Friday, May 31, 2019

Iceberg As Metaphor For Life :: essays papers

iceberg As Metaphor For Life The poem The Iceberg by Sir Charles G.D. Roberts was written in 1931 when Roberts was 71 years old. When one is amidst old age a person tends to reflect on life. Experience of the past come to sagaciousness and you begin to reflect more than on birth and death. This poem is an interpretation of Robertss aspect on life and death and his course throughout life. The poem The Iceberg is a simile for life, it is the voice of something that has approached the end and is facing death with the peacefulness of calm waters but with the forcefulness of a massive iceberg. What makes the poem more personal is that it is written in devoid verse. Free verse is known as open form verse. It is printed in short lines rather than continuity of prose, it differs because its throbbing pattern is not organized into meter. Most free verse also has irregular line lengths and lacks rhythm1, all of which this poem possesses. Writing the poem in free verse allowe d the poet to express himself fully and without any limitations. This coincides with the poem being written in the modernist period, which was first and foremost an era in which all traditionalist literary forms of the 19th century were abandoned. Roberts had many philosophical influences and they are clearly seen in his poetry. The iceberg can represent the mankind consciousness and the three levels (id, ego and the tiptop ego) which in psychology are often put into a iceberg like diagram. Throughout the poem the reader should realize that the iceberg is a metaphor for life and the human form. Essentially we are like the iceberg in which only the tip is showing. Therefore the iceberg in the poem becomes a human life form and is personified in that it is able to think and speak on a human level. The Iceberg leads the reader through the road of life, its very very much like a map outlining the many hardships and stages the human form and psyche will go through . The poem is most of all a reflection of Roberts coming to terms with the possibility of death and the memories of childhood and birth. The poem starts with the birth of the iceberg as it is spawned from something larger.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Identity and Losed Love Essay -- Literary Analysis, Wharton, Lily Bart

The dinginess, the crudity of this average section of womanhood made him bump how highly specialized she was (Wharton 6). In the House of Mirth, the main character Lily Bart spends her entire life trying to escape this idea of dinginess. On her quest to suffer fiats approval, she denies her true identify along with any hope of ever finding true lovemaking and is eventually blotted out by this orderliness (Ammons 348). In the beginning of the novel, Wharton reveals the thoughts of Seldon toward Lily Bart. He was aware that the qualities distinguishing her from the herd of her sex were chiefly external as though a fine glaze of beauty and fastidiousness had been utilize to vulgar clay (Wharton 7).Wharton builds this physical attraction between Seldon and Lily Bart by letting readers into the mind of Seldon and the delicate actions of Lily Bart. Seldon enjoyed Lily Bart and his course lay so further out of her orbit that it amused him to be drawn for a moment into the sudden intimacy which her proposal imp be ( Wharton 6). The delicate approach of Lily coupled with her suggestive wrangling toward Seldon reveals Lilys true feeling toward Seldon. Im dying for tea---but isnt at that place a quieter place? (Wharton 6). Lily manages to secure privacy with Seldon avoiding as much anxiety as possible. Even the insinuation of Seldon and Lily being in a relationship would be especially detrimental to her social standing. When surprised with the appearance of Mr. Rosedale, she innately lied only later realizing the true effect of yielding to a passing impulse (Wharton 15). Her mistake would cost her rather more than she could afford (Wharton 15). Lily Bart lived in a society where even slightest blunder could result in severe social... ... true love for Seldon is felt but never verbally expressed. In the silence, there passed between them the word which made all clear (Wharton 256).She spends most of her life running away from the idea of loving Seldon alth ough internally she cared about him deeply. In the closing, Seldon love drew him to LilyIt was this moment of love, this fleeting victory over themselves, which had kept them from atrophy and extinction which, in her, had reached out to him in every struggle against the influence of her surroundings, and in her, had reached out to him in every struggle against the influence of her surroundings, and in him, had kept alive the faith that now drew him penitent and reconciled to her side (Wharton 255-56)Lily was plagued with fulfilling society requirement but in the process denied herself of true love and ultimately her own identity.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Best Man Speech - Assassination of the Grooms Character :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Best Man Speech - Assassination of the Grooms Character Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. I am going to keep this speech fairly short because of my throat the bride said that if I made fun of the groom too a lot she would cut it.Firstly, on behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank the groom for those kind words and gifts. As Im sure you will all agree, they all look absolutely beautiful and have carried out their role splendidly, so I think a round of applause for the bridesmaids is definitely in order.Just before I start the grooms character assassination, the bride was telling me earlier in the day that her pharmacy was broken into last week. The thief apparently stole ten boxes of condoms and ten boxes of viagra. The practice of law are now looking for a hardened criminal.Next day a woman walks into the shop and asks her for some bottom deodourant, puzzled she replies, Im sorry we dont apportion such a thing, I beg your pardon says the woman. I buy it from here all the time. Do you have the empty container from the last time. enquires the bride. Yes I do, says the woman and she walks out to her car, then comes back in with an empty deodorant stick. This isnt a bottom deodorant madam, its just a normal deodorant stick. The woman snatches it out of her hands and reads aloud. To apply take off lid and push up bottom.The groom was born in 1975, a year when the Khmer pigment invaded Cambodia and Saigon surrendered to the North Vietnamese. So its true what they say, these things always happen in threes.He went to St. Serfs school were he was a rather quiet pupil, until of course, as anyone who knows him, he stepped onto the soccer gob. He shunned the roll of forward for the more unorthodox bare knuckle boxer and chief shin kicker role, it was novelty for him to be on the pitch a whole ninety minutes, never mind score goals. He then went on to play for Prestonfield Boys Club and then Napier University football team. Sadly this was to be the end of his sporting career, as this was when he discovered alcohol and women.After school the groom worked in a Saturday job at Homebase. I r to an old work colleague who was only too happy to tell me of his time there.

Antitheatricalism and Jonsons Volpone Essay -- Jonson Volpone Essays

Antitheatricalism and Jonsons Volpone    Crossdressing in England was mostly opposed by the Fundamentalist branch of the Protestant Church known as the Puritans. The Puritan dogma, lots like the concept of transvestism, was constantly challenged. Puritans found resistance in the religious authorities of the Church of England and the English government. Before 1536, the Roman Catholic Church was unobstructed and always won over Puritan proposals regarding legislation. Without a cooperative political ear, the Puritans resorted to experimental spiritual expression by changing their social behavior and structuring. ascribable to these changes, a formidable way of attacking the theaters use of crossdressing was developed- public preaching and pamphlets. Other individuals and groups (like the Juvenalians) supported the moral and social reform apparent motion by communicate and writing essays and books on the subject. Due to the nature the actors role in Ben Jonsons Volpone, the play was also implicated in this moral battle. The ideology behind the Puritan baulk was based on biblical sentiment and the patristic literary tradition of Roman writers like Tertullian and St. Augustine. The Puritans religious banner for combatting gender transgression was Deuteronomy 225- The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a womans garment (Tiffany 58). In general, pagan myths were also associated with crossdressing. Puritans like William Pryne labeled these actors as beastly male monsters that degenerate into women (Tiffany 59). Further, the Puritans feared that men dressing as women caused the men in the audience to lust for real females and to form homoerotic desires for the male actors (the re... ...goal of the Antitheatrical movement in the Renaissance, was both supported and denounced by Jonson in various ways. However, the general perception is that Jonson (unlike Shakespeare) fueled the fires of degradation- implicati ng women with the weakness, lack of intelligence, and reason they were believed to exude. In the annals of theatrical history, Jonsons metadrama could be said to perpetuate this social stereotype. Nevertheless, Jonsons crossing of the gender line and sexual scenes like Volpones flashing of Celia were enough to have religious, moral, and social commentators screaming blood murder. twain issues demand prominence in the play. While outwardly a play driven by blatant genderless controversy, the inward thematic, character-driven nature of Volpone suggests a conformity and bond certificate to the intellectual and theological moralism of the time.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Harriet Tubman Essay -- American History Racism Essays

Harriet TubmanIn the 1840s and 1850s American abolitionists were a small minority in every part of the country. Harriet Tubman was iodine of the women who joined the attack on thrall. She stood out from most of the other abolitionists. The evidence that I will present to you shows how she wasnt satisfied merely to be free or even to give speeches against slavery. Harriet Tubman was important to the abolition movement because she put her ideas to action. Harriet was innate(p) a slave in Bucktown, Maryland 1. From the time she was born she was taught to be wary of the w frivol awaye men. Two of her sisters had been sold to a slave trader and she vowed that she would never let that happen to her.2 From my reading, Harriet Tubman seemed contrasting from most of the other slaves around her. She had a rebellious nature, always getting into trouble. Her parents introduced her to religion, thinking maybe it would crush her rebellious nature. maven way to deal with a difficult child was religion. Ben and Rit Harriets parents were regular churchgoers and Harriet learned Bible verses. Her favorite was Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. She to a fault liked the Bible verses closely deliverance. If she heard of a fugitive slave on his way north, she thought of the verse Hide the outcast betray him not that wandereth. (Bentley p.16) 3 So, even as a young girl, Harriet was already thinking about deliverance and fugitive slaves going north. She had heard of revolts and rebellions against slavery, and knowing how Harriet was, Im sure she cheered them on. Harriet went to great lengths to shelter her fellow slaves. Like every other slave, obviously, she too hated slavery. But I think there was more to slavery than just hate, for Harriet. In one case, she put her life on the line to protect a slave named Jim from getting beaten. She refused to move when a white supervisory program asked her to help him tie up Jim for a whipping. When Jim made a run fo r it, Harriet blocked the supervisor from chasing after Jim. So, he grabbed a 2lb. weight and threw it towards Jim. The weight hit Harriet in the forehead instead, and Jim got away.4 Luckily, Harriet survived her near-death experience. The learn on Harriets forehead remained a visible scar of the brutality of slavery. The wound went deep into her heart. (Bentley p.24) In 1849, Harriets master, Edward Brode... ...f the stirring and hope she gave to her people. Harriet was even nicknamed Moses by the people she saved. She did what others were too scared to do. It wasnt guaranteed that Harriet would be successful on every single mission. In my eyes she had a lot to lose if she was caught, just now I think to her she felt like at least she had saved some slaves. What sacrifice Harriet Tubman was more than an ex-slave turned abolitionist. She was similarly a nurse and a spy for the Union Army. Always one to turn dreams into action, she joined the war effort in 1861. Harriet was prob ably the first women, sorry or white, to go to the competitiveness front. 9 The army used her as a spy, liaison, and a nurse. So even when she wasnt taking groups of slaves up north, she was be quiet helping others. What an incredible cleaning lady Harriets diligence to do right, and her determination to keep with it until her purpose was fulfilled, still inspires me today. I do admire Martin Luther King, Jr. and numerous other abolitionists, but not as much as Harriet Tubman. I dont know of any other woman that accomplished as much as she did, in one lifetime. Harriet Tubman truly is the ultimate hero of the abolition movement. Harriet Tubman Essay -- American History Racism EssaysHarriet TubmanIn the 1840s and 1850s American abolitionists were a small minority in every part of the country. Harriet Tubman was one of the women who joined the attack on slavery. She stood out from most of the other abolitionists. The evidence that I will present to you shows how s he wasnt satisfied merely to be free or even to give speeches against slavery. Harriet Tubman was important to the abolition movement because she put her ideas to action. Harriet was born a slave in Bucktown, Maryland 1. From the time she was born she was taught to be wary of the white men. Two of her sisters had been sold to a slave trader and she vowed that she would never let that happen to her.2 From my reading, Harriet Tubman seemed different from most of the other slaves around her. She had a rebellious nature, always getting into trouble. Her parents introduced her to religion, thinking maybe it would crush her rebellious nature. One way to deal with a difficult child was religion. Ben and Rit Harriets parents were regular churchgoers and Harriet learned Bible verses. Her favorite was Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. She also liked the Bible verses about deliverance. If she heard of a fugitive slave on his way north, she thought of the verse Hide the outcast betray him not that wandereth. (Bentley p.16) 3 So, even as a young girl, Harriet was already thinking about deliverance and fugitive slaves going north. She had heard of revolts and rebellions against slavery, and knowing how Harriet was, Im sure she cheered them on. Harriet went to great lengths to protect her fellow slaves. Like every other slave, obviously, she too hated slavery. But I think there was more to slavery than just hate, for Harriet. In one case, she put her life on the line to protect a slave named Jim from getting beaten. She refused to move when a white supervisor asked her to help him tie up Jim for a whipping. When Jim made a run for it, Harriet blocked the supervisor from chasing after Jim. So, he grabbed a 2lb. weight and threw it towards Jim. The weight hit Harriet in the forehead instead, and Jim got away.4 Luckily, Harriet survived her near-death experience. The mark on Harriets forehead remained a visible scar of the brutality of slavery. The wound went deep into her heart. (Bentley p.24) In 1849, Harriets master, Edward Brode... ...f the inspiration and hope she gave to her people. Harriet was even nicknamed Moses by the people she saved. She did what others were too scared to do. It wasnt guaranteed that Harriet would be successful on every single mission. In my eyes she had a lot to lose if she was caught, but I think to her she felt like at least she had saved some slaves. What sacrifice Harriet Tubman was more than an ex-slave turned abolitionist. She was also a nurse and a spy for the Union Army. Always one to turn dreams into action, she joined the war effort in 1861. Harriet was probably the first women, black or white, to go to the battle front. 9 The army used her as a spy, liaison, and a nurse. So even when she wasnt taking groups of slaves up north, she was still helping others. What an incredible woman Harriets diligence to do right, and her determination to keep with it until her purpose was fulfilled, still in spires me today. I do admire Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other abolitionists, but not as much as Harriet Tubman. I dont know of any other woman that accomplished as much as she did, in one lifetime. Harriet Tubman truly is the ultimate hero of the abolition movement.

Harriet Tubman Essay -- American History Racism Essays

Harriet TubmanIn the 1840s and 1850s American abolitionists were a undersize minority in every part of the country. Harriet Tubman was one of the women who joined the attack on break ones backry. She stood out from most of the other abolitionists. The yard that I will introduce to you shows how she wasnt satisfied merely to be free or regular to give speeches against slavery. Harriet Tubman was important to the abolition movement because she personate her ideas to action. Harriet was born a slave in Bucktown, Maryland 1. From the time she was born she was taught to be wary of the sporty men. Two of her sisters had been sold to a slave trader and she vowed that she would never let that regain to her.2 From my reading, Harriet Tubman seemed different from most of the other slaves around her. She had a seditious nature, always getting into trouble. Her parents introduced her to religion, thinking maybe it would crush her rebellious nature. One way to demand with a difficult ch ild was religion. Ben and Rit Harriets parents were regular churchgoers and Harriet learned give-and-take verses. Her favorite was Lo, I am with you always, make up unto the suppress of the world. She also liked the Bible verses about deliverance. If she heard of a fugitive slave on his way north, she thought of the verse Hide the outcast drift him not that wandereth. (Bentley p.16) 3 So, even as a young girl, Harriet was already thinking about deliverance and fugitive slaves going north. She had heard of revolts and rebellions against slavery, and knowing how Harriet was, Im sure she cheered them on. Harriet went to massive lengths to protect her fellow slaves. Like every other slave, obviously, she too hated slavery. But I think there was much to slavery than just hate, for Harriet. In one case, she put her life on the line to protect a slave named Jim from getting beaten. She refused to move when a white supervisor asked her to help him bind up Jim for a whipping. When Jim made a run for it, Harriet blocked the supervisor from chasing after Jim. So, he grabbed a 2lb. exercising weight and threw it towards Jim. The weight hit Harriet in the os frontale instead, and Jim got away.4 Luckily, Harriet survived her near-death experience. The mark on Harriets forehead remained a visible scar of the brutality of slavery. The wound went deep into her heart. (Bentley p.24) In 1849, Harriets master, Edward Brode... ...f the inspiration and hope she gave to her people. Harriet was even nicknamed Moses by the people she saved. She did what others were too scared to do. It wasnt guaranteed that Harriet would be successful on every single mission. In my look she had a lot to suffer if she was caught, entirely I think to her she felt like at least she had saved some slaves. What sacrifice Harriet Tubman was more than an ex-slave sour abolitionist. She was also a harbor and a spy for the Union Army. Always one to turn dreams into action, she joined the war effo rt in 1861. Harriet was probably the get-go women, black or white, to go to the battle front. 9 The army used her as a spy, liaison, and a nurse. So even when she wasnt taking groups of slaves up north, she was still helping others. What an fabulous woman Harriets diligence to do right, and her determination to keep with it until her purpose was fulfilled, still inspires me today. I do admire Martin Luther King, younger and many other abolitionists, but not as much as Harriet Tubman. I dont know of any other woman that elegant as much as she did, in one lifetime. Harriet Tubman truly is the ultimate hero of the abolition movement. Harriet Tubman Essay -- American History Racism EssaysHarriet TubmanIn the 1840s and 1850s American abolitionists were a small minority in every part of the country. Harriet Tubman was one of the women who joined the attack on slavery. She stood out from most of the other abolitionists. The evidence that I will present to you shows how she wasnt satisfied merely to be free or even to give speeches against slavery. Harriet Tubman was important to the abolition movement because she put her ideas to action. Harriet was born a slave in Bucktown, Maryland 1. From the time she was born she was taught to be wary of the white men. Two of her sisters had been sold to a slave trader and she vowed that she would never let that happen to her.2 From my reading, Harriet Tubman seemed different from most of the other slaves around her. She had a rebellious nature, always getting into trouble. Her parents introduced her to religion, thinking maybe it would crush her rebellious nature. One way to deal with a difficult child was religion. Ben and Rit Harriets parents were regular churchgoers and Harriet learned Bible verses. Her favorite was Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. She also liked the Bible verses about deliverance. If she heard of a fugitive slave on his way north, she thought of the verse Hide the outcast betray him not that wandereth. (Bentley p.16) 3 So, even as a young girl, Harriet was already thinking about deliverance and fugitive slaves going north. She had heard of revolts and rebellions against slavery, and knowing how Harriet was, Im sure she cheered them on. Harriet went to great lengths to protect her fellow slaves. Like every other slave, obviously, she too hated slavery. But I think there was more to slavery than just hate, for Harriet. In one case, she put her life on the line to protect a slave named Jim from getting beaten. She refused to move when a white supervisor asked her to help him tie up Jim for a whipping. When Jim made a run for it, Harriet blocked the supervisor from chasing after Jim. So, he grabbed a 2lb. weight and threw it towards Jim. The weight hit Harriet in the forehead instead, and Jim got away.4 Luckily, Harriet survived her near-death experience. The mark on Harriets forehead remained a visible scar of the brutality of slavery. The woun d went deep into her heart. (Bentley p.24) In 1849, Harriets master, Edward Brode... ...f the inspiration and hope she gave to her people. Harriet was even nicknamed Moses by the people she saved. She did what others were too scared to do. It wasnt guaranteed that Harriet would be successful on every single mission. In my eyes she had a lot to lose if she was caught, but I think to her she felt like at least she had saved some slaves. What sacrifice Harriet Tubman was more than an ex-slave turned abolitionist. She was also a nurse and a spy for the Union Army. Always one to turn dreams into action, she joined the war effort in 1861. Harriet was probably the first women, black or white, to go to the battle front. 9 The army used her as a spy, liaison, and a nurse. So even when she wasnt taking groups of slaves up north, she was still helping others. What an incredible woman Harriets diligence to do right, and her determination to keep with it until her purpose was fulfilled, still i nspires me today. I do admire Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other abolitionists, but not as much as Harriet Tubman. I dont know of any other woman that accomplished as much as she did, in one lifetime. Harriet Tubman truly is the ultimate hero of the abolition movement.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Understand How Groups Develop and Function

How gatherings direct and function This essay examines and explains how root words develop and function. Groups atomic number 18 a fundamental part of our lives from complaisant to professional, from large to niggling, depending on their particular environment. Theories and models on pigeonholing breakplace rehearse There atomic number 18 different theories that serve well us understand how conference works. Tuckmans possible action Dr Bruce Tuckman published his Forming Storming Norming Performing model in 1965. He added a fifth put, Adjourning, in the 1970s.Tuckmans theory does work in stark naked and small gatherings rather than big, as it is easier to follow, observe and evaluate ace and only(a)-on-one members. The facilitator batch considerably identify the stages the group is at, and from here he/she can lead the group to the following(a) stage. I would associate Tuckmans theory more with the Co-operative style of loss attractorship, beca ingestion whe n the group comes unneurotic, everyone has the chance to share their ideas and responsibilities. group members behaviour towards distri thoively other is more pay and supportive and working practice more fully reflects true aggroup upwork.Trust and motivating is built between aggroup members. Everyone agrees on methods and plans which testament lead to achieving the set goals. Team roles are been formed too. Douglas system Douglas McGregor is the creator of the theory X and theory Y. The two theories are opposite to distri onlyively other. Theory X being the demoralized as the employee does non like work and tries to escape it whenever possible and has undersized or no ambition of achieving the company goals. Employee makes a directive drawing card. Theory X attraction is results-driven, intolerant, distant, poor listener, demands, etc.Companies with Theory X leadership result usually have poor results. Theory Y is described as the upbeat model because the employee is more relaxed and can use take initiative. He/she is pull and loyal to the company and can take on responsibilities. Theory Y gives the probability of more leaders to be created. On the other side, Theory Y might be difficult to be put in practice in big mass productions where more control is needed. From the both theories we can end that staff provide contribute more to the organisation if they are treated as responsible and valued employees.Belbin Team Role Theory A squad is non a bunch of nation with job titles, but a folding of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members. Members of a team up seek out certain roles and they perform or so utilely in the ones that are most natural to them. Dr. R. M. Belbin Belbin identifies nine team roles. Each team role is associated with typical behavioural and interpersonal strengths, abideable and non-allowable weaknesses that also accompany the team roles.The nine team roles are plant, resource investigator, co-ordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, manage finisher and specialist. Belbins Team Role Models are very useful in forming, maintaining and developing a group. For example we can use it to think or so team balance before recruitment starts we can use it to highlight and so love interpersonal differences within an existing team and we can use it to develop ourselves as a team players. Some ages however, despite straighten out roles and responsibilities, a team can still fall short of its full potential.This is when Belbins Team Role Models come into use to develop the teams strengths and manage its weaknesses. To maintain strong team it is main(prenominal) over period of time to observe individual members, and see how they behave and contribute within the team. Then for each person we write down the key strengths and observed weaknesses. Using Belbins descriptions of team roles, we note the one that most accurately describes the person. After we do it for each member of the team, we need to consider which team roles are we missing from the team and which strengths.Once we are clear nearly the outcome of our research, we then consider whether an existing team member could compensate by adopting different team role, or whether new skills need to be brought onto the team to cover weaknesses. Adair Team Theory Leadership is the most studied subject in the world and the least understood fundament Adair (2003) Adair has developed so called Action-Centred Leadership model which consist of deuce-ace circles T engage, Team and Individual, which overlap. The three circles overlap because 1. To be completed the occupation needs a team, one person cannot achieve it. . If the team needs are not met, then the task wont be completed and the individuals wont be satisfied. 3. If the individuals are not satisfied, then the team leave suffer and the task wont be completed again. The conclusion is that for the team to be go to i ts high standard and to be able to achieve its goals it is all definitive(p) all the individuals to be satisfied, rewarded and the team to be propel to reach its full potentials. Forming and maintaining a viscid and strong group Group glueyness is a phenomenon that determines how well a group holds together.When cohesion is strong, a group leave remain stable and effective, but when it is weak, the group whitethorn fall apart. To build strong group cohesion is important for the leader to be able to get to know the group members one at a time so that he/she can tailor an appreciation message to each individual as needed. The next important attribute is for the leader to be unfeigned with his employees. He needs to praise his employees, one way or another that could be done in private or in public, and not skilful once or twice, has to be consistent and more frequent.At the beginning of the forming of the group the leader has to set clear goals to his employees and to make sure that these goals dont convince somewhere half way through to the group work as it may derail the team. Once the goals are set, it is important to communicate with the team not through email or memos, but verbally where the leader can ask for feedback from the team members, exchange ideas in how to achieve the set goals. here is the stage when the team roles are being set and clarified. For the team to continue its effectiveness, the employees allow for need the support from their leader.The leader needs to be approachable and supportive so the group members dont nip alone. Providing a connection between the group goals and the companys goal exit make the group members accountable, they will feel more appreciated and important in the bigger picture not only as group members, but as individuals too. All the above factors are in the core of forming and maintaining a cohesive and effective group. A team that feels comfortable working together can have an energy that creates a positive environment and work ethic that can lift a team, make it more effective.This positive environment can make team members work harder, more efficiently and more productively. The influence of the different facilitation styles At heart facilitation is about the cognitive operation of helping people to explore, learn and change. Our role, when facilitating, and as facilitators, is to help groups to work together respectfully and truthfully and to help them to explore and respond to certain issues and questions. The leaders victory depends on many factors, including the kindof person he/she is,his/hers values of management, his/hers say-so and competence, his/hers trust inthe team and how he/she copes withstress.The managers chosen facilitation style depends on such(prenominal) factors. Many managers feel they areexpect to make the decisions, others feel they must get their teams involved. Some have confidence in their team others mistrust them. particular(prenominal) sty le of facilitation will work effectively when dealing with some people rather than others. There are three styles of facilitation directive, co-operative and autonomous. Directive Style When leaders rate people what to do through a series of directives, they are utilize a directive style of leadership.Directive leaders are focused on outcomes and productivity. They are task-oriented and driven by the need to get things done. Directive leaders are not as concerned with the feelings and emotions of their followers as they are about clashing deadlines, hitting quota and reaching goals. There is not great deal of relationship-building prove with directive facilitation style. With the directive style present the employees will not feel motivated and appreciated. Employees will feel pressured and soon will lose enthusiasm. The group will not have strong cohesion and will be less effective.If we tint at the Douglas X and Y theory, well see that the directive style would be more suitab le for the X employees, but it wont be effective for Y employees as they wont respond. The directive style does not develop future leaders. Co-operative style Here the facilitator shares responsibilities with the group the leader guides the group to bend more self-directing in the various forms of learning by conferring with them. The leader prompts and helps group members to make a decision, to give meaning to experiences, to do their own confrontation, and so on.In this process, the leader shares own view which, though influential, is not final but one among many. Outcomes are always negotiated. The leader collaborates with the members of the group in devising the learning process facilitation is co-operative. When the leader/manager uses the co-operative style the employees will feel valued and appreciated. They will want to make suggestions because they know that they will be listened to by the manager, hence they will be very motivated to perform to a high standard. The chara cter reference of groups with a co-operative style leader will have very strong cohesion and will be highly effective.Team roles will be very clear within such groups which will lead to achieving the set goals. Future leaders will grow in such groups. When the goals are achieved and the group is no interminable needed, there will be sadness of breaking the group. Autonomous style Here the leader/manager respects the total autonomy of the group they do not do things for them, or with them, but give them freedom to find their own way, exercising their own judgment without any intervention on the leaders part. This does not mean the abdication of responsibility the leader just gives the individuals a space to determine their own learning.Unfortunately, such groups will feel that they are being left and will lack direction. The autonomous style grows future leaders, but can also suffer if group members are unqualified. Why it is important to be clear about the purpose and desired outco mes for the group? When group is formed, it is important that the leader clarifies the purpose and desired outcomes for the group. The employees will know what is to be expected from them. Then the group can engage openly and effectively discussing how the goals will be achieved. It is also the stage when the team roles are being created.At the end of the run into we should have clear accomplishment. Analyse the importance of participant engagement in achieving group outcomes The most important thing is what the participants in the meeting have to say. The leader has to focus on how the meeting is structured and run to make sure that everyone can participate. The leader needs to make sure that everyone feels comfortable in participating, to allow everyone to be heard, to make sure that the members feel good about their contribution, to support everyones ideas and not criticising.If the leader follows the steps above the group members will feel empowered about their own ideas and pa rticipation. They will stay loyal to the company and will take on responsibilities and ownership. Conclusion From this brief overview we can see the consequence of groups and why it is important to continuously develop them from one side, to strengthen their potential and from the other, to help the development of their individual members.They are a fundamental part of gracious experience andplay a crucial role both in organisation and influencing individual lives and society itself. We saw how an effective group brings humans together and how an effective group gives birth to successful leaders. Humans always will be, as groups will be too. That makes the groups one of the most important factors of our lives. The more effective the group is, the more the quality of our lives will grow.Understand How Groups Develop and FunctionHow groups develop and function This essay examines and explains how groups develop and function. Groups are a fundamental part of our lives from social to professional, from large to small, depending on their particular environment. Theories and models on group work practice There are different theories that help us understand how group works. Tuckmans theory Dr Bruce Tuckman published his Forming Storming Norming Performing model in 1965. He added a fifth stage, Adjourning, in the 1970s.Tuckmans theory does work in new and small groups rather than big, as it is easier to follow, observe and evaluate individual members. The facilitator can easily identify the stages the group is at, and from here he/she can lead the group to the next stage. I would associate Tuckmans theory more with the Co-operative style of leadership, because when the group comes together, everyone has the chance to share their ideas and responsibilities. Team members behaviour towards each other is more open and supportive and working practice more fully reflects true teamwork.Trust and motivation is built between team members. Everyone agrees on methods and plan s which will lead to achieving the set goals. Team roles are been formed too. Douglas Theory Douglas McGregor is the creator of the theory X and theory Y. The two theories are opposite to each other. Theory X being the pessimistic as the employee does not like work and tries to escape it whenever possible and has little or no ambition of achieving the company goals. Employee needs a directive leader. Theory X leader is results-driven, intolerant, distant, poor listener, demands, etc.Companies with Theory X leadership will usually have poor results. Theory Y is described as the optimistic model because the employee is more relaxed and can use own initiative. He/she is committed and loyal to the company and can take on responsibilities. Theory Y gives the opportunity of more leaders to be created. On the other side, Theory Y might be difficult to be put in practice in big mass productions where more control is needed. From the both theories we can conclude that staff will contribute m ore to the organisation if they are treated as responsible and valued employees.Belbin Team Role Theory A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members. Members of a team seek out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the ones that are most natural to them. Dr. R. M. Belbin Belbin identifies nine team roles. Each team role is associated with typical behavioural and interpersonal strengths, allowable and non-allowable weaknesses that also accompany the team roles.The nine team roles are plant, resource investigator, co-ordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, complete finisher and specialist. Belbins Team Role Models are very useful in forming, maintaining and developing a group. For example we can use it to think about team balance before recruitment starts we can use it to highlight and so manage interpersonal differences within an existing team and we can use it to develop ourselves as a team players. Sometimes however, despite clear roles and responsibilities, a team can still fall short of its full potential.This is when Belbins Team Role Models come into use to develop the teams strengths and manage its weaknesses. To maintain strong team it is important over period of time to observe individual members, and see how they behave and contribute within the team. Then for each person we write down the key strengths and observed weaknesses. Using Belbins descriptions of team roles, we note the one that most accurately describes the person. After we do it for each member of the team, we need to consider which team roles are we missing from the team and which strengths.Once we are clear about the outcome of our research, we then consider whether an existing team member could compensate by adopting different team role, or whether new skills need to be brought onto the team to cover weaknesses. Adair Team Theory Leadership is the mo st studied subject in the world and the least understood John Adair (2003) Adair has developed so called Action-Centred Leadership model which consist of three circles Task, Team and Individual, which overlap. The three circles overlap because 1. To be completed the task needs a team, one person cannot achieve it. . If the team needs are not met, then the task wont be completed and the individuals wont be satisfied. 3. If the individuals are not satisfied, then the team will suffer and the task wont be completed again. The conclusion is that for the team to be functioning to its high standard and to be able to achieve its goals it is important all the individuals to be satisfied, rewarded and the team to be motivated to reach its full potentials. Forming and maintaining a cohesive and effective group Group cohesion is a phenomenon that determines how well a group holds together.When cohesion is strong, a group will remain stable and effective, but when it is weak, the group may fall apart. To build strong group cohesion is important for the leader to be able to get to know the group members individually so that he/she can tailor an appreciation message to each individual as needed. The next important attribute is for the leader to be sincere with his employees. He needs to praise his employees, one way or another that could be done in private or in public, and not just once or twice, has to be consistent and more frequent.At the beginning of the forming of the group the leader has to set clear goals to his employees and to make sure that these goals dont change somewhere half way through to the group work as it may derail the team. Once the goals are set, it is important to communicate with the team not through email or memos, but verbally where the leader can ask for feedback from the team members, exchange ideas in how to achieve the set goals. Here is the stage when the team roles are being set and clarified. For the team to continue its effectiveness, the employees will need the support from their leader.The leader needs to be approachable and supportive so the group members dont feel alone. Providing a connection between the group goals and the companys goal will make the group members accountable, they will feel more appreciated and important in the bigger picture not only as group members, but as individuals too. All the above factors are in the core of forming and maintaining a cohesive and effective group. A team that feels comfortable working together can have an energy that creates a positive environment and work ethic that can lift a team, making it more effective.This positive environment can make team members work harder, more efficiently and more productively. The influence of the different facilitation styles At heart facilitation is about the process of helping people to explore, learn and change. Our role, when facilitating, and as facilitators, is to help groups to work together respectfully and truthfully and to help them to explore and respond to certain issues and questions. The leaders success depends on many factors, including the kindof person he/she is,his/hers values of management, his/hers self-confidence and competence, his/hers trust inthe team and how he/she copes withstress.The managers chosen facilitation style depends on such factors. Many managers feel they areexpected to make the decisions, others feel they must get their teams involved. Some have confidence in their team others mistrust them. Particular style of facilitation will work effectively when dealing with some people rather than others. There are three styles of facilitation directive, co-operative and autonomous. Directive Style When leaders tell people what to do through a series of directives, they are using a directive style of leadership.Directive leaders are focused on outcomes and productivity. They are task-oriented and driven by the need to get things done. Directive leaders are not as concerned with the feeli ngs and emotions of their followers as they are about meeting deadlines, hitting quota and reaching goals. There is not great deal of relationship-building found with directive facilitation style. With the directive style present the employees will not feel motivated and appreciated. Employees will feel pressured and soon will lose enthusiasm. The group will not have strong cohesion and will be less effective.If we look at the Douglas X and Y theory, well see that the directive style would be more suitable for the X employees, but it wont be effective for Y employees as they wont respond. The directive style does not develop future leaders. Co-operative style Here the facilitator shares responsibilities with the group the leader guides the group to become more self-directing in the various forms of learning by conferring with them. The leader prompts and helps group members to make a decision, to give meaning to experiences, to do their own confrontation, and so on.In this process, the leader shares own view which, though influential, is not final but one among many. Outcomes are always negotiated. The leader collaborates with the members of the group in devising the learning process facilitation is co-operative. When the leader/manager uses the co-operative style the employees will feel valued and appreciated. They will want to make suggestions because they know that they will be listened to by the manager, hence they will be very motivated to perform to a high standard. The type of groups with a co-operative style leader will have very strong cohesion and will be highly effective.Team roles will be very clear within such groups which will lead to achieving the set goals. Future leaders will grow in such groups. When the goals are achieved and the group is no longer needed, there will be sadness of breaking the group. Autonomous style Here the leader/manager respects the total autonomy of the group they do not do things for them, or with them, but give them f reedom to find their own way, exercising their own judgment without any intervention on the leaders part. This does not mean the abdication of responsibility the leader just gives the individuals a space to determine their own learning.Unfortunately, such groups will feel that they are being left and will lack direction. The autonomous style grows future leaders, but can also suffer if group members are unqualified. Why it is important to be clear about the purpose and desired outcomes for the group? When group is formed, it is important that the leader clarifies the purpose and desired outcomes for the group. The employees will know what is to be expected from them. Then the group can engage openly and effectively discussing how the goals will be achieved. It is also the stage when the team roles are being created.At the end of the meeting we should have clear accomplishment. Analyse the importance of participant engagement in achieving group outcomes The most important thing is wh at the participants in the meeting have to say. The leader has to focus on how the meeting is structured and run to make sure that everyone can participate. The leader needs to make sure that everyone feels comfortable in participating, to allow everyone to be heard, to make sure that the members feel good about their contribution, to support everyones ideas and not criticising.If the leader follows the steps above the group members will feel empowered about their own ideas and participation. They will stay loyal to the company and will take on responsibilities and ownership. Conclusion From this brief overview we can see the significance of groups and why it is important to continuously develop them from one side, to strengthen their potential and from the other, to help the development of their individual members.They are a fundamental part of human experience andplay a crucial role both in shaping and influencing individual lives and society itself. We saw how an effective group brings humans together and how an effective group gives birth to successful leaders. Humans always will be, as groups will be too. That makes the groups one of the most important factors of our lives. The more effective the group is, the more the quality of our lives will grow.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Thorn Queen Chapter Twenty-One

I woke up the next morning, lying on top of my covers, with sunlight streaming in through the eastern windows. It was hardly sunrise, entirely already the air was warming up. It was, as the saying went, passing play to be a hot one and only(a). If I truly was connected with the cut back down, I wondered what a heating system wave state ab divulge my mood. Was it indicative of my preparedness for battle?I squinted up at the play of sunlight on the stone ceiling, un veritable of that question, scarce like so many lately. With a sigh, k nowing I modify to get up, I rolled over and came face-to-face with Kiyo. I yelped in surprise.His down in the lip chocolate eye were open, wide awake. I theorize hed been watching me while I slept. He smiled that sexy, smoky smile of his, eye crinkling slightly. He was bare-chested, clad precisely in navy blue bloomers.When did you get here? I asked. I didnt notice a thing.I know, he said. You were sleeping pretty heavy. Didnt even rouse when I slid into bed. He informalityed a give on my hip and slid it along my bare leg. Id fallen asleep in a T-shirt.Seeing his eyes and feeling his hand on my skin warmed close tothing in me. Surely all would be right in the world-worlds, even-so long as I had Kiyo. there was just something so overwhelmingly strong and secure ab pop him, a steadiness in the midst of that dangerous sex appeal. I reached forth and fey the side of his face, a bit surprised at just how happy I was to have him here with me.I didnt know for sure that youd come, I admitted.Eugenie, how apprise you think that? He continued stroking my leg, just his anformer(a)(prenominal) arm pulled me close. I said I would. I wont let you go into danger alone.I know you dont approve of some of the things I do. Roland doesnt. We had a huge fight.Kiyo kissed my forehead, then my nose, and then my lips. Hes worried ab pop you. I am too. But I extrapolate what you have to do here and why you want to cooperate th ese people.I looked at him and felt something lighten up within me, some lonely and ache part that so desperately needed spirit to get me. Before, Id felt like Dorian could. I prayed Kiyo was able to as well. You do?Yes. He kissed me again, his talk warm and searching. The hand that had been on my leg moved up to my breast. I know what its like to live in two worlds. Youre brave and do what you think is right, and Im not going to let anything happen to you, he breathed in my ear. Neither are any of the people gathered downstairs.He moved his mouth back to mine, but I wiggled out. Wai-what? Whos gathered?He gave a half shrug, men still roving over my body. Everyone. Ruriks got the guards there. Jasmines up and cuffed. Even Dorians here.I sit down up. Kiyo We have to get downstairs then. We cant-ah.Hed moved one hand up my inner thigh-up, up, and up. Weve got time.Nowedont, I managed as his fingers moved in and out of me. For a moment, I thought of how Dorian had done almost exa ctly the same thing, but then I shoved the memory a dash. Theyre waitingFive minutes, Eugenie, Kiyo murmured. His other hand shoved up my shirt, and he leaned down to kiss one of my breasts, slowly moving on to suck the nipple, harder and harder. I flinched slightly at the feel of his teeth, and he move his face up. Ive missed you, Eugenie, no matter what else you think. Ive missed you and I love you. He slid his fingers out of me, and I whimpered at their loss. He smiled. And I thinkI think maybe you missed me tooAnd with no other preamble, he rolled me over to my knees and moved up behind me. I dont know when his boxers came off, but suddenly, he was in me, hard and swollen and grunting with each thrust. I gripped the sheets with my fists, keeping my body arched for him so that he could take me even deeper. His hands clutched my hips, letting him bury himself as far as he could go. I moaned and tipped my head back, my body wanting to take more and more of him into me. careen his body over mine, he reached forward and managed to cup my breasts without breaking his rhythm. His fingers caressed them, thumbs rubbing against the erect nipples. The sensations in my body were dizzying, every piece of me feeling like it was on fire. At last he shifted back to his kneeling position and returned his hands to my hips, giving him the best position to fully take me. His strokes grew even harder and faster, shoving himself into me with such get that I could hear our bodies hitting each other. With a great groan, his nails dug into my hips and his whole body jerked as he came. Hands still tight on my hips, he held himself there for several moments, taking his full release.Finally, he pulled away and collapsed onto the bed. Flipping over, I sprawled beside him. Okay, I gasped. Now I think Im ready to fight some the Tempters.I dont think anyone really noticed that Kiyo and I had just had sex when we came downstairs. Mercifully, it didnt even rain. If anyone suspected anyt hing, it was Dorian, with that uncanny way he had of reading people. The guards were drawn up in formation outside, but Dorian was in the parlor sipping tea with Shaya while Ysabel all but sprawled on his lap. Girard was there as well, testing the fish of Dorians old sword while Dorian himself studied the drawing of the new sword.Eugenie, said Dorian, arching an eyebrow. Dont you look radiant this morning. Why, youre positively glowing. Ysabel scowled at his praise.Its the leather, I said, tugging self-consciously at my shirt. Id argued against needing armor, but Shaya had nonetheless obtained a sleeveless top for me make of lightweight leather, good for deflecting blades. It wasnt porn-star leather or anything, but it wasnt something I was used to.And this, Dorian continued, pointing to the drawing, is exquisite. Thank you.What is it? asked Kiyo.A sword from legends. One to slay evildoers everywhere. Eugenies having it made for me.Kiyo gave me a wordless look that was nonetheless full of questions. Its a thank-you gift. Dorians done me a chance of favors lately, I explained.I assure you, said Dorian straight-faced. I take as much joy in the giving as you do in the receiving.Okay, I said hastily. Are we good to go? I saw the guards out there. Id like this done sooner rather than later.The biggest impediment turned out to be Ysabel, who threw her arms around Dorian and begged him to be careful. He patted her hastily on the shoulder, assuring her hed be fine. His eyes were impatient, though, and he didnt look back when he strode out with the rest of us. Poor Ysabel. I was almost showtime to feel bad for her, despite her hopes that I wouldnt come back. She really was nothing more than a bed warmer to Dorian, and while most of his women knew that, she just couldnt accept it.Jasmine was ready as well, still bound and looking angry. Volusian was with us, and he had standing orders to subdue her if she essay anything-which I felt pretty sure she would. Unfortunat ely, I also needed Volusian to fight demons, which meant he couldnt watch her all the time. None of us could, and I was going to have to do some tricky maneuvering to keep the gun on her while still attempting banishing.Kiyo frowned disapprovingly when he saw her, more so when she had to be helped on to her horse. This is wrong, Eugenie, he said softly, once we were all riding. He was going in human form today.Which part? Bringing her or keeping her prisoner?I dont like any of it.What happened to you saying you understood the choices I have to make? I hissed. Was that just to score sex?Dorian had ridden up on my other side. I had no doubt hed heard the sex comment, but he didnt acknowledge it. How would you suggest she handle it then? Let the girl go?No, Kiyo said, giving Dorian a dark glance. But there are more humane ways of dealing with her.I gave Jasmine her own room and got her break-dance cuffs What else can I do? I asked.I dont know, admitted Kiyo.Then dont criticize if you cant offer a solution, said Dorian. Its easy to want peace and love in hypothetical situations-then reality sets in, and sometimes we have to do whats ugly.I dont recall asking for your input here, snapped Kiyo.As it is, Eugenie, youve got a hard choice ahead. Dorian was language like Kiyo wasnt even there. What are you going to do when youve finally taken care of this rabble? What will you do with the prisoners?I shrugged. Send them off to exercise details.Even their leader, Cowan? The one who summons these demons? Surely you dont want him out and about, even if it is digging ditches.Dont listen to him, said Kiyo. Hes baiting you. at that place are prisons, even in the Otherworld. You can send him there if he survives.A charming act of mercy, no doubt, mused Dorian. One that will terrify future enemies.Im not going to defeat everyone who gets in my way, I exclaimed. Im not my father, no matter how much you want me to be.I wouldnt quite say thats what I want, chuckled Dorian. Bu t as a leader, you need to make examples sometimes.Mercys not a horrible thing, I argued.Storm King never showed any, said Kiyo.Indeed, agreed Dorian. And I just want to make sure his daughter doesnt show too much. You arent the only one who protects her, master kitsune. We all just do it in different ways.Enough, I ordered. Rurik was drawing the group to a halt up front, meaning it was time to go on foot. I was grateful, eyesight as I was getting sick of listening to Kiyo and Dorians pissing contest. solely like before, we went on foot, the whole experience giving me a strange sense of deja vu, even though the bandits had changed location. I also had odd recollections of the time Id defeat Aeson. Dorian and Kiyo had been with me then, about as thrilled to be with each other as they were now. Shaya had been there too, but Rurik had nearly had a fit when she offered today, and I couldnt help but recall Girards words.I certainly hadnt had an army at my back when wed gone after Aeson . Rurik sent men with a knack for moving stealthily to scope out the camp and dispatch any enemy scouts. The waiting made me restless, and a tense silence settled over everyone. I glanced at Jasmine, still bound. I wouldnt uncuff her until the last possible moment and still didnt trust her.You know what you have to do? I asked her.Shed been staring off thoughtfully at the guards ahead, taking in the sloped land and scattered pines. Probably planning her escape, I thought ruefully. Like before, these brigands had chosen the best cover they could find in this barren land. She turned to me, immediately putting on her standard scowl.Yes.And you know whatll happen if you try anything?Yes. Pure malice looked at me from her eyes.Good, I said, shifting my concord on the gun. Her eyes flicked briefly to it, and if it scared her, she made a good show of still looking defiant.I hope you hold true to your word, murmured Dorian, move up to me.Stop poisoning her, growled Kiyo.And both of you le t me make my own decisions, I said.The scouts returned shortly thereafter, giving us the all-clear. We headed toward the encampment, circling it and descending in full force. Thankfully, no one announced our presence, and we had a brief element of surprise before the bandits mobilized. I unfastened Jasmines cuffs, hoping I wasnt making a mistake. My right hand firm held the gun against her back-holding it to her head had seemed a little too cruel-while the left held my wand poised and ready. Kiyo and the other fighters were going in for the hand-to-hand combat while the other fantasy users and I stayed back and waited-not that I intended to use magic today. I was strictly in shamanic banishing mode.And there they were. A deep swell of magic permeated the air, and fiery forms materialized on the far side of the camp. I saw Ruriks gaze travel to the spot theyd come from, his attention not on the demons but on what was potentially the demons summoner. Circling around, he headed towar d that area. The demons were my job. I nudged Jasmine with the gun. Do your thing. Volusian-attack.I held my breath, wondering what Jasmine would do. A moment later, I felt magic well up in her, a magic similar to my own but with a slightly different feel. Some part of my brain tried to grasp it, hoping I could learn it for later. The rest of me watched as there was a ripple in the air-an opening to the Underworld. Two forms stepped out from the slash in our world. Much like the peeing elemental from the other night, these two demons were composed of water, sloshing with each step yet maintaining a solid form. They were bigger than the elemental, though, adorned with horns and glowing yellow eyes.Only two? I exclaimed. There are five of the others Jasmine didnt respond but held up her hand like a conductor drawing a major powerful note from her musicians. For a heartbeat, I wondered if the water demons would come charging toward us. They didnt. Their attention turned to the fire d emons, their ancient enemy from the Underworld.Nearby, Dorian was wielding magic of his own, ripping up the earth from underneath the fire demons so that they stumbled and sank into great holes, making them easy prey. Demons arent that easy to summon, he said in her defense, eyes on his handi playact. In fact, this will be it for the fire demons. Theres no way that man can summon any more. Id be surprised if hes still conscious.Well, that was something. Jasmines servants had two of the fire demons in a deadlock, which meant none of them were going after my people. Volusian was making good work on one of the demons as well, though the other two were rampaging forward. It was time for me to step up.I drew up the human power Id used my entire life, the power that was based on will and not emotion like gentry magic. My wand focused it, and I sent it out toward one of the loose fire demons, encircling him and summoning up the intensity level of Persephone to open up a way to the Underwo rld and suck him back. He sensed the banishment happening, and I felt his power surge as he tried to fight it. I steeled up my own strength, and what seemed like a land mine suddenly went off near him, showering him in dirt and rock as he stumbled. Thank you, Dorian. The Underworld opened up, and the demon dissolved back to his domain, unable to fight my strength.And like the last time Id fought these guys, the power required for that banishing took a lot out of me. Surveying the rest of the battle, I saw with good-natured surprise that one of Jasmines water demons had defeated a fire demon. That water demon had then joined his partner, and it appeared as though they would make quick work of their target. Kiyo and the other soldiers were doing a good job of killing or subduing the rest of the bandits. I turned back to the fire demons, assessing my next strategy.One was unengaged and starting to move toward my soldiers. This banishment was going to be harsh. I drew up all my streng th and repeated the process, calling out to Persephone and reciting the words to send the demon back to the Underworld. It confuseed him from my soldiers, and he started lumbering toward me. Fuck.He. Is. Coming, said Jasmine stiffly. I couldnt see her face with my gun to her back but got the impression she was as strained as I was.Yeah, I kind of noticed.He was pushing back at me with his own strength of will. I clenched my teeth. No, no. I am stronger. I am Storm Kings daughter. I needed another distraction to slip him up, but everyone else was busy. Dorians attention was on the demon that Volusian battled. That demon was moderately stronger than my minion, but seeing that Volusian couldnt really diewell, it made it hard to destroy him. So, neither was gaining ground until Dorian used some of his magic to attack the demon with a nearby chunk of rock, letting Volusian move in for the kill.My demon was still approaching, and I needed a distraction of my own. Iron didnt dampen my pow ers anywhere near as much as it did Jasmines, but it could sometimes affect me a little. I could still work my gentry powers while in contact with it, but it was easier without. In an act I was certain Id regret, I dropped the gun and immediately called upon my storm magic. I would have given anything to blast this demon with lightning, but that was still beyond my control. Instead, I reached up toward the sky, calling on water and air. To my astonishment, I was able to bind them together. Thick, leaden clouds formed, whirling into a weak funnel cloud that descended on the demon. It was the most powerful force of weather Id ever-consciously-summoned, and it knocked the demon over. I couldnt maintain my hold on it, and the ministorm dissipated instantly. It was enough, though, and I sent out the banishing before he could respond. It felt like my insides were being ripped out, but I managed it, kicking him out of this world.Gasping and woozy, I looked around, realizing there were no m ore demons left-well, no fire demons at least. The water demons, victorious, were still there-and they were charging toward us. Shit. I realized then what Id potentially unleashed. I cuffed Jasmine on the shoulder, nearly knocking her over, and reached for my gun.I warned you not to try anything, I cried, pointing the gun at her. Send them awayIts not me, she exclaimed back. I cant control themStepping forward, I got a good look at her face. She was covered in sweat, skin pale. Dorian had said demon summoning was hard, and the full weight of what Id done hit me. Shed summoned them but no longer had the power to control them. I had no more strength left for banishing, but I could feel Jasmine still trying to work her magic, weak as it now was. It was impossible to sense every part of what someone else was doing with their magic, but I got a strong feel for hers. These creatures were bound to water. They were part of my domain. Doing my best to mimic her, I joined my strength to hers, sending commands through my magic, willing them to leave this world.They were nearly on us, and I almost laughed at the irony as my own death approached. Then, suddenly, I felt my magic sync up perfectly with Jasmines. Control of the demons slipped into place, and they froze. Together, she and I ordered them back, and there was a tear in the fabric of space, an opening to the Underworld. It was almost like a banishing, but not quite. The demons were willingly-well, with our urging-returning, and our magic helped them with the passage. A moment later, they dissolved from our world.After that, I felt like Id run a marathon. Every part of me ached and was wearied. Yet, as bad as I was, Jasmine was worse. I guess blood really is thicker than water, she whispered in a very bad attempt at a joke. She swayed on her feet, eyes rolling back in her head, and then she collapsed. I barely managed to catch her in my own weakened state, but then stronger arms took hold. Kiyo.He barely had a scr atch, and relief poured through me. Thanks.He lifted her easily into his arms. Are you okay?Fine, I said, looking down at my sister-who hadnt betrayed me after all. Shes bad, though. Get her to a healer.Kiyo hesitated, not wanting to leave me. Then, he gave a quick nod and loped off in that way that was half-human and half-wild animal. Looking around, I saw that the others were rounding up the remaining rabble. My losses looked light. Rurik was leading a man who seemed to be in the same shape as Jasmine. The demon summoner. Dorian was with Rurik and gave me a quick glance. I knew what was in the look. Kill the summoner or not? I gave a sharp shake of my head. Dorian grimaced and then turned back to help Rurik with his prisoner.No one seemed to notice or need me, and I sank gratefully to the ground, waiting for my strength to return. I wondered if Id be able to call up the magic again that I had used with Jasmine. Trying to piece it together seemed like too much work now, and I conte nted myself with watching my people work.Then, out of my peripheral vision, I saw movement. I stood up and looked far to my side, toward a stony bluff covered in cacti. A face peered out at me and then ducked back. I knew the face. It was the scarred gentry whod come to my house the other night. With no further thought, I started to hurry after him. Then, to my astonishment, I paused and did what Rurik would have wanted. A couple of my soldiers were inert nearby. Hey, come here, I called, gesturing. They immediately followed as I set off at a brisk pace, moving as fast as I could to reach the bluff. When I turned around the side of it, I saw no sign of the gentry warrior I sought.The ground rose sharply here, outset to turn into foothills reminiscent of the ones near my house in Tucson. The vegetation was thicker, though still a far cry from a true forest. It was mostly cacti, shrubs, and untidy trees. Going up the small hill was a narrow path, and on impulse, I headed up it in s earch of my prey. The footsteps of my soldiers sounded behind me, their boots crunching in the gravel.Who was that guy? And why was he here now? Was he one of the bandits? I hadnt seen him in the fight. Was he some sort of spy, perhaps, which was why hed come to my house and-Snick. Snick. Two arrows came out of nowhere as we reached the crest of a hill. Each one hit one of my soldiers in the chest, dropping them to the ground. I came to a screeching halt, waiting for my arrow, peering around the trees for the mystery gentry to reveal himself.But he didnt. dodge did.He smiled, stepping forward. Eugenie, nice to see you again. Youve been very busy around here, I hear. He waved mistily toward where Id come from, though my people were nowhere in sight. Eugenie, I thought, you are a fucking moron. Beyond Art, I saw the gentry Id chased come forth from the cover, along with two others-all wearing leather armor like Jasmine had described. They carried bows and wore red shirts under the ar mor.Roland called me last night and nearly bit my head off about getting you involved in gentry politics. Art shook his head, amused. I wonder what hed say if he only knew just how involved you were-your majesty.I was languid as hell and devoid of magic. But-I was still human and not without human implements. The gun was still in my hand, and I jerked it up toward him. I needed to distract him until some of my own people came. Fuck. I shouldnt have come rushing up this hill, even if I had had the sense to bring some backup. The question now was, would the rest of my people notice I was gone? Usually, I could hardly step outside the castles door without a dozen people in tow.Art tsked me. Would you really do it? Would you really kill one of your own kind? Or are we even your own kind?Magic suddenly filled the air-familiar magic. Shamanic magic. It encircled me like fog, thick and heavy. Forgetting Art, I turned abruptly around, toward the sound of words being chanted-words I knew by heart. Abigail was standing there, wand in hand.And so help me, she was banishing me.I felt her will shove up against mine, just as Id grappled with the demons. The world around me began to tear open as a spin started to pull my essence apart. I fought it, fought it with every ounce of strength I had-but there was just none left to give.When it came to traveling the worlds, crossroads and gateways were the way to go. They made for a smooth transition. Or, one could travel like I often did, journeying to some item imbued with your essence, an item that couldnt help but draw your soul to it.And rarely, if you had the strength, you could tear open a gateway by force and shove your way into another world. That wasnt recommended. It hurt like hell. And essentially, thats what a banishing was-only it wasnt your choice. It was someone ripping you out of the world and shoving you into another.I felt the fabric of this world open up, felt the unstoppable pull of another. I couldnt fight it . I tried. I kicked, I screamed, but I was too weak. I felt like I was shattering into a million pieces, sucked into a whirlwind and then, I was gone.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Kmart: Performance Management Tactics

Kmart- Performance Management Tactics More than one hundred years ago, Sebastian Spering Kresge opened a modest five-and-dime store in downtown Detroit and changed the intact landscape of retailing. The store that Kresge built has evolved into an empire of more than 1,500 stores and an Internet presence that reaches millions of customers. Overall, Kmarts workforce is highly diverse. Kmarts total associate population, including store managers, reflects the communities it serves. closely 32 percent of its workforce represents multicultural minorities. (Kmart Corporation 2008, Funding Universe) Nations second largest retailer made an effort in the past few years to manage headquarters strategy at the store level, at least in housewares, Kmart can report some success stories. Accurate category management can thus far the playing field and eliminate the gulf of mistrust that sometimes exists between vendor/broker and retailer, said Ron Gellish, director of strategic market planning for Kmart. reject Store News, May 1995) Performance Management Tactics first step is to review the category, make sure both the retailer and vendor agree on a source for data and that both understand terminology and methodology. A. Agree on the goal of the project, be it volume increase or profit gain. B. valuate the categorys unit and dollar volume growth rates over the past two years, both by retail trade channel and on a national basis.C. Determine the market shares for brands in the category and identify any areas ripe for cannibalization. Specifically, Gellish recommended that partners aggregate UPCs by vendor to gauge impact. For instance, the top brand could be from a small vendor, while the next four brands could be from a megacorporation. D. Be aware of which products are trending up and which are slowing down. Maintain objectivity.Be ready to pull your items if the data suggests they are performing poorlydont just try to delist your competition, Gellish. (Discount Store News, May 1995) Products must first earn approval from Kmarts persona Assurance and Technical Design Laboratory, and vendors that want to be thought of favorably by Kmart should participate in the retailers Partners for Quality and/or Partners in Merchandise lean programs. (Discount Store News, May 1995)

Friday, May 24, 2019

Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes Essay

An analysis of Langston Hughess poem Dream Deferred will reveal a significant commentary on the driving force in the States today. It is undeniable that every one of us has ambitiousnesss or goals that we want to pursue and achieve. Although all of us have their own little dream, this poem reiterates that in close to cultures, it will be (and is) harder to achieve their goals. In this particular poem, Langston Hughes expressed his dreams and how they become during a hard time. The fact that he is a black man during the prime of the African-American oppression, his ambitions and dreams was really hard to achievethus, he became frustrated.He expressed on how and what he really feels about a dream that he has had. Because he was succumbed under a great deal of frustration, he was unable to accomplish that dream. Each line in the poem symbolizes a typical moment in the authors life. Furthermore, he was also very bitter about the conditions of his group because of their skin color. Hug hes used many a great deal of allegory in achieving his points. But perhaps the most powerful line in his poem is the Or does it explode?(Hughes) It is an influential conclusion of what could happen to a dream if they are neglected or is non pursued. In conclusion, this is a collective poem that articulates what could happen to dreams that left un-pursued even in times of struggles and oppression. This poem reflects the difficulties not just of African-American but moreover, it is also applicable to people (especially certain ethic groups that are discriminated) who experiences the same situation. This poem will never be obsolete. workings Cited Hughes, Langston. Dream Deferred. March 2, 2008.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Processed Foods and Its Link to the Increasing Obesity Epidemic

tasteful Foods and its Link to the Increasing Obesity Epidemic Savannah Eisert English 214-54 Melanie sapient 15 April 2013 Eisert 1 Processed Foods and its Link to the Increasing Obesity Epidemic Lunchables, Twinkies, potato chips, chocolate chip cookies, or even a trip to McDonalds after school argon just few of the memorable nutritions as a child that always seemed so exciting and delicious. As a child, I wondered why these scrumptious pabulums were always just a treat, but never an every day meal on my diet that I could enjoy. But what I did not know was the dirty truth behind these nutrients what they argon really made out of.Behind food corporation doors lies the truth about graceful foods, what they atomic number 18 really made out of, and why these corporations keep producing these foods. Through the years, scientists hold in found different ways to transform this give so it becomes more recyclable and showyer to produce. As the corporations became more and more bills hungry, the less they c atomic number 18d about the health of Ameri butt ends and more about how much affect foods they could sell. Ultimately, this leads to the al more or less increasing health tell apart America has been facing everywhere the years, and to this day fleshiness. consort to HBOs The Weight of the Nation Confronting Americas Obesity Epidemic, over one-third of American adults (roughly about 36%) ar obese, and about 12. 5 million children and adolescents (ages 2-19), or 17%, argon obese. Over the years, as neat food ware increased, so did obesity because of money hungry food corporations increasing this productivity and government doing nothing to help stop the unhealthy life sprints processed food has progress tod. Background Information on Processed Food Before figuring out why processed foods are a of import factor to obesity, one must know what processed foods are and why they are bad.So what exactly are processed foods made out of? Michael Poll an goes into deep research about what these processed foods are made out of in spite of appearance his nonfiction book, The Omnivores Dilemma. According to Michael Pollan, an norm American consumes about one ton of feed per year, but not before being heavily processed by a processing plant, and whence reassembled as soft drinks, breakfast cereals, or snacks (85). As Eisert 2 science progressively grew, so did the certain ingredients inwardly processed foods. For example, high-fructose corn sirup is used in a majority of foods because it tastes exactly as sweet as sucrose.Pollans research states that high-fructose corn syrup today is the most valuable food product refined from corn, accounting for 530 million bushels every year (89). Because high-fructose corn syrup is easy to use and gimcrack to imbibe, most food corporations use it to create the perfect masterpiece. For example, Pollan talks about how that the third age of processed foods pushes aside butter to make shelf l acuna for margarine, replace fruit juice with juice drinks and then entirely juice-free drinks like Tang, cheese with Cheez Whiz, and whipped cream with Cool Whip (91).With the help of high-fructose corn syrup, food alternatives can easily be made for the same satisfaction. Because of these processed foods, obesity begins to increase. But how exactly does processed food cause obesity? Michael Pollan investigates the truth behind food science and its ways to get people to eat more. Pollan states, The power of food science lies in its ability to break foods down into their nutrient separate and then reassemble them in specific ways that, in effect, push our evolutionary buttons, fooling the omnivores inherited food selection system (107).Since an average adult can eat only about fifteen hundred pounds of food a year, food corporations are trying to find ways to get people to spend more money for the same three-quarters of tof a ton of food, or entice them to actually eat more than tha t (Pollan 95). So if a soul eats more than normal, his or her weight provide increase as they are intaking more of these processed foods that entices people to eat more. But what specifically triggers a persons body to eat more than they naturally should?Food systems in a person can cheat by exaggerating their energy density, tricking a sensory apparatus that evolved to deal with markedly less dense whole foods (Pollan 107). So by increasing this energy density in processed foods, obesity problems seen within America continue to rise. Eisert 3 The Increase in Processed Food and Obesity Over the Years The beginning of processed food did not recently happen, but has been around since the mid-1800s. In Michael Pollans Omnivores Dilemma, he explains the journey of how corn developed to what it is today. In 1866, corn syrup . . . ecame the first cheap domestic substitute for cane sugar (Pollan 88). Then as corn refining started to be perfected, high-fructose corn syrup became quite pop ular. Pollan states that high-fructose corn syrup is the most valuable food product refined from corn, accounting for 530 million bushels every year (89). Once these different food processes were discovered, processed foods began making their way into the country. At first, the extremum of having processed food was to free people from natures cycles of abundance and scarcity, so to have food preserved longer (Pollan 91).But as while went on, the goal wobbled from liberating food from nature (Pollan 91) to improveing on nature (Pollan 91). Since processed foods began to be so easy to make with the help of high-fructose corn syrup, the cost to make it was relatively cheap compared to the natural farmers. Pollans statistics show that a dollar spent on a whole food such as eggs, $0. 40 finds its way covering to the farmer . . . by comparison, George Naylor go forth see only $0. 04 of every dollar spent on corn sweeteners (95). So ultimately, the increase in processed foods have to do with its easy and cheap ingredients.Based on Michael Pollans studies, he found out that many of the reasons why obesity has increased so much is callable to the increased use of high-fructose corn syrup in the foods people eat. Pollan begins by saying that corn accounts for most of the inordinateness calories were growing and most of the surplus calories were have (103). With todays advanced technology, the country has gone from being able to process corn into two different things, to now creating over hundreds of things with the help of a processor and corn.Pollans statistics show that since 1985, an Americans annual consumption of high-fructose corn syrup has gone from Eisert 4 forty-five pounds to 66 pounds (104). On top of the high-fructose corn syrup people intake, the other sugars also must be accounted for. Therefore, this excessive amount of sugars in processed food is the main cause to the increase of obesity in America. Who is to Blame? Behind all the corn, the pro cessing, and the food that results, is the man in charge food corporations. Because of food corporations greed for money, processed foods have escalated out of control, causing a serious health pestilent obesity.Michael Pollan, also author of The Omnivores Dilemma, wrote an name for the New York Times called uncheerful Meals. Pollan makes a very convincing foretell at the beginning of the article that gives a serious blame to the people who created and have been continuing the making of processed foods These impertinent products of food science often come in packages festooned with health claims, which brings me to a related rule of thumb if youre concerned about your health, you should probably vacate food products that make health claims. Why?Because a health claim on a food product is a good indication that its not really food, and food is what you want to eat (1). His claim is very much true because these food corporations try to trick the customers into thinking food pro ducts are okay to eat, when in reality, they are terrible for a persons health in the long run. Food corporations have come to a point where they are more interested in how well their company is doing rather than the countrys health. So ultimately, the rise in obesity is because of these food productions littler interest to care about the health of the country.In Michael Pollans The Omnivores Dilemma, he proves that food corporations are only interested in the money rather than the well-being of the country. He says that a cheaper agricultural commodities are driving food companies to figure out new and ever more elaborate ways to add value and so induce us to buy more (Pollan 96). So if these companies are driven by the Eisert 5 cheap food productions, they will make sure gross revenue to the people of the country increase, in that locationfore increasing the obesity epidemic. Why blame these food corporations for the obesity epidemic?Arent they just trying to help the preserva tion by selling the food they produce? Yes, this is very true, but that does not mean these corporations have the right to sell the country unhealthy, life threatening foods. According to Michael Pollans research in The Omnivores Dilemma, Americans high-fructose corn syrup intake has gone up from forty-five pounds to sixty-six pounds (104). Basically, Pollan states that Americans are eating and drinking all that high-fructose corn syrup on top of the sugars we were already consuming (104).Just because big corporations, like Coca-Cola and Pepsi figured out high-fructose corn syrup was a few cents cheaper than sugar, they completely switched from sugar to high-fructose corn syrup because consumers didnt seem to notice the substitution (104). Pollans research shows that soda is most of the sixty-six pounds of high-fructose corn syrup that American consume, and by using the ingredient that causes obesity into one of the most popular drink is just cruel because food corporations target t hat arena of consumption.So it is quite obvious the corporations do not care about the rise in obesity because they keep using high-fructose corn syrup in most of the foods consumed by Americans. In another study, George A Bray from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition makes interesting connections in his article Consumption of High-Fructose Corn syrup in Beverages May Play a Role in the Epidemic of Obesity between the rise in obesity and the rising intake of high-fructose corn syrup in America.His studies show that the consumption of HFCS increased 1000% between 1970 and 1990, far exceeding the changes in intake of any other food or food group (Bray 537). With the rise in consumption of high-fructose corn syrup, the increase of obesity in America connects with these statistics. Bray also concludes that Eisert 6 collective selective information suggests that overconsumption of beverages sweetened with HFCS, or high-fructose corn syrup, and standing 50% free fructose and t he increased intake of total fructose may play a role in the epidemic of obesity (542).Brays statistics support Pollans beverage assumptions because it goes to show that food corporations are willing to increase high-fructose corn syrup even if the epidemic of obesity increases with its increase in production. Resolution As more people become aware of the obesity epidemic in America, they wish to change their lifestyles in fix up to be healthy again. Even though these people know what is going on, they still do not change their lifestyles. But they have good reasons, fit to Michael Pollans reasonings in The Omnivores Dilemma.Pollan explains how the food corporations have pushed our evolutionary buttons, fooling the omnivores inherited food selection system (107). Even though populace are not meant to eat these foods, the sensory apparatus in within humans have evolved to always crave these processed foods. It has even gotten to a point where people with limited money to spend on food would spend it on the cheapest calories they can find (Pollan 108). These are perfect examples to why the processed food lifestyle continues, and why the epidemic of obesity continues to increase. So the real question is how does America resolve the epidemic of obesity?Yes, food corporations are to blame, but they will keep producing processed foods to help their economic success. So as a country, alternatives and powerful influences must be introduced in order to decrease obesity. Michael Pollans article Unhappy Meals in The New York Times, has lots of certain advice to steer away from the tricks of processed foods and have America move into a healthier lifestyle. He suggests that processed foods imply they are based around important nutrients to help support human health, when in reality it gives the opposite effects to the body.Eisert 7 Pollan does in fact state that the healthy lifestyle is harder to do in practice, given the food environment we now inhabit and the loss of sharp cultural tools to guide us through it (11), but he gives readers simple ways to start a healthy lifestyle. Some of the most simple advice includes eating according to the rules of a traditional food culture (Pollan 12). By eating natural foods that are locally grown and produced, one will know how it is being made and by whom, so there are no mysteries or health questions within these foods.Lastly, avoid food products containing ingredients that are a) unfamiliar, b) unpronounceable c) more than five in number or that contain high-fructose corn syrup (Pollan 11). Just by following these two simple steps, a person can make their health that much better by doing the little things to help themselves. Yes, there are other alternatives, but they become confusing and technical. If a person is simply aware of what is being put into their body, then a healthy lifestyle can be achieved. Even though people are personally trying to become healthier, what about the people that are not?T hey need influential and powerful support in order to avoid the obesity epidemic. The government would be the perfect influence to helping change the obesity epidemic. But in Michael Pollans book, The Omnivores Dilemma, the government does little to help even though they are aware of the issue While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest (108).So if the government wont even help, who will? That is where the people come in. Becoming aware of the problem and knowing what a person is putting into their bodies will be the only way to end the increase in the production of processed food, and to furthermore decrease obesity. In conclusion, as processed food production increased, so did obesity because of money hungry food corporations increasing this productivity and government do ing nothing to Eisert 8 help stop the unhealthy lifestyles processed food has created.Through the statistics found in the research it shows how the increases simultaneously occurred at the same time, therefore processed food is a major factor to an increase in obesity. flex Cited Bray , George A, Samara Joy Nielsen, and Barry M Popkin. Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity. 2004 American Society for Clinical Nutrition. 79. 4 (2003) 537-543. Web. 11 Mar. 2013.. Ebbeling, Cara, Dorota B Pawlak, and David S Ludwig. Childhood obesity public-health crisis, common sense cure. Lancet. 360. 331 (2002) 473482. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. . Pollan, Michael. Omnivores Dilemma. New York City A Penguin Book, 2006. Print. Pollan, Michael. Unhappy Meal. New York Times. 28 01 2007 1-12. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. . Research Paper Feedback In reading your research paper, I have considered the following features of the document. Any areas that need work ar e highlighted oIntroduction grabs the readers attention introduces the topic contains a clear, strong thesis oContent covers the topic fully supports assertions with information from reliable sources includes a reference page Organization is logically unionized ideas are grouped and sequenced to aide the readers understanding oParagraph Developments contain specific examples/evidence (in the form of quotes and paraphrases) and explanations oTopic Sentencesintroduce the subject of each paragraph create idea bridges that link s to each other and/or thesis oTransitionslogical connections between ideas are clear & smooth oSentence Fluencysentences are fluent and varied in construction and length (not choppy) quotes are smoothly incorporated oMLA Formatsources are cited both inline citations and reference page citations conform to MLA style Proofreadingfree of exercise, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Here are the grades and what they mean oAn A paper excels in all the areas lis ted above. The paper covers the topic fully and answers the readers questions. The paper uses evidence from multiple, probable sources to back up claims. Sources are cited according to MLA style guidelines. The writing is clearly organized, excellently developed, fluent, and nearly error free. oA B paper does a good commercial enterprise in all the areas above. The paper offers a thoughtful, complete response to the prompt. It is clearly organized and well developed.The sentences are consistently readable and fluent with few usage errors. Areas that need work are highlighted above. oA C paper is a competent response to the prompt, but may have weaknesses in one or more of the areas listed above. The weaknesses interfere with the successful communication of the writers ideas. Areas that need work are highlighted above. oA paper earns an NP if it does not answer the prompt and/or is soberly weak in one or more of the areas listed above. The papers weaknesses make it very difficult to read and/or understand. Areas that need work are highlighted above. Comments and Grade

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Critical Essay of Mark Twain’s “The Damned Human Race”

Mark Twain, through a heavy dose of satire, irony, and a not-so-subtle attempt at the scientific method, provides readers with an effective, but flawed, argument as to why creation be the lowest of animals in his turn out The Damned Human Race. While the essay is successful in providing details that support Twains claim of military personnels have descended from animals, and not the other way around, his bias and pessimism towards the human race in general strongly emanates from the essay, and he does not provide any opportunity for the reader to clear any evidence to the contrary of his beliefs, further limiting the legitimacy of his argument.Twain provides several sound reasons for stating that humans ar worse than animals, all conveyed in an effective manner. He makes simple and definitive statements which are generally believed to be true of humans and not animals, and elaborates on these statements to pinpoint just what is wrong with human beings. For example, Twain states serviceman is the lonesome(prenominal) Patriot (Twain). While most believe this to be a positive trait of humans, Twain immediately follows this statement by stating that humans are the only if species to kill one another for their countries, writing Man is the only Patriot.He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps innumerable uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other peoples countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the dividing line off his hands and works for the universal brotherhood of man, with his mouth.(Twain) Twain goes to on to point out that humans are the only species that take slaves, are the only species to take more than they need, and the only species that claim religions, and provides specific examples of different types of animals behaving differently in this regard (Twain). His points are effective arguments b ecause he uses facts and strong language to solidify each point that he makes, and does so in a way that leaves little for argument.While the points that Mark Twain makes in his essay are for all intents and purposes true, and he conveys his beliefs in a very effective manner, the essay as a whole is not a successful argument, largely because he primarily uses only one of the three main means of persuasion. Twain provides facts throughout his essay that are generally hard to argue with in regards to the bad things that humans are capable of that animals are not, but does not use emotion to trigger a response from the reader.This could be by design because of his use of heavy satire, and the fact that this was written in a scientific manner rather, which generally are written to not contain the authors emotions. There is a clear lack of respectable appeal, or ethos, in Twains essay because of the fact that he is writing this in an official scientific capacity, though he is clearly n ot a scientist. He also does not provide information that may contradict his beliefs, which prohibits the reader from gathering opposing views of the story.Twain could have easily provided facts and arguments that point out the good things that human beings are capable of that animals are not, such as charities, social welfare programs, and medical care. With that said, The Damned Human Race is an essay containing heavy satire, something that Twain makes manifest almost immediately by stating I have not guessed or speculated or conjectured, but have used what is commonly called the scientific method (Twain).By the cartridge holder that this essay was published in 1905, Twain was an established as a well-known author, known for his humor and famous works rather than scientific prowess. Also, at this point in his life, Twain was also very open most his overall disdain for the human race in general, perhaps due to share regarding his family and life experiences, though it has been debated that Twain had no more of a troubled life than most normal people (Byrne 19).All of these things prohibit his essay from being considered a legitimate argument, and points to it being more a rant by the author, however effective it may be. While Mark Twain provides many solid facts about the human race that are true and should be noted by the reader, the heavy doses of clear bias and satire overwhelm any legitimacy the essay could possibly carry. It is also difficult to ignore the cynicism throughout the piece, even in the last line when Twain is describing the human races declension from animals, stating, Below us, nothing (Twain).